Frequently Asked Questions

About Massage Therapy

Never had a massage before? Learn a little more about massage therapy.

Elevate Bowmanville

What is Massage Therapy?

According to the College of Massage Therapist of Ontario (CMTO):

“Massage therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.

Massage therapy treatment has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Physical function can be developed, maintained and improved; and physical dysfunction and pain and the effects of stress can be relieved or prevented through the use of Massage Therapy.”

What can massage treat, what conditions can it help?

There are a variety of different styles of massage and a variety of different conditions that massage can help manage.

Click here to see the styles that we perform and what conditions that each will help treat.

I heard massage is painful, is this true?

Not necessarily. You should receive the type of massage that you would like, if you’d prefer to not have a deep tissue treatment then let your therapist know.

That being said, change is typically uncomfortable. There may be times during your treatment when you feel a “sweet ache” but if it ever feel as if you have to tense your muscles or hold your breathe then the pressure should be adjusted to a more tolerable level.

Just because you can take more, doesn’t always mean you should.

Can I get a massage if I’m already in pain?

Depends on the pain we are talking about, if you need emergency medical services then please see the appropriate medical professional first (broken bones, immediately after a muscle tear, etc).

Hint: if it’s red and inflamed you probably don’t want someone touching that area anyways.

If we are talking about acute muscle spasm, or waking up with a “crick” in the neck, or chronic pain that “comes and goes”, then massage is indicated as a helpful tool to healing. Let your therapist know if at any point the pressure is too much, your nerves are already overloaded, over treating an area may lead to delayed healing.

There are a lot of Massage Therapists out there, how do I choose?

In Ontario there is a governing body for massage therapists that regulates the profession.

If you have an extended health care plan (benefits), then you should look for a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). RMTs will be able to provide you with a receipt for your insurance company. Aside from that, getting a recommendation from a friend/family member about where they receive treatment can be a good idea.

We love referrals, think of it as sending someone you love to someone you trust. You should also look to see what hours or days a therapist works to see if that works for you.

If you try someone and they don’t fit your needs, try asking them to adjust their treatments to your taste for the next time. If it still doesn’t work for you, then feel free to look elsewhere for treatment, you’re not going to enjoy everyone’s style and that’s perfectly fine.

There’s a therapist out there for you!

Before Your Massage

Answers to common worries, and questions that people have before getting a massage.
Don’t see your question here? Feel free to email us, or ask us before your next visit.

Elevate Bowmanville

What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. In Ontario there are strict professional guidelines on how to properly drape (expose) an area to maintain your comfort and modesty.

Treatment is easiest if we can work directly on the skin using lotion and oil, however if you’d prefer to stay fully clothed please wear comfortable, stretching clothing.

If you want to keep your pants or underwear on it’s fine, and you don’t have to warn us!

I forgot to shave, my feet/armpits smell, my stomach is growling etc.

There is no need to apologize for being human. Sometimes humans have hairy legs, sometimes we have strong body odours, and sometimes our bodies make funny sounds without our control.

All of the above is fine and you don’t need to explain why “x, y or z” is happening to you.

If you would like scented oils, a mint, or anything else because it will make you feel mentally more at ease, feel free to ask.

What if: I have blemishes, I am overweight, have stretch marks etc.

Please do not avoid getting massage because of worrying what your therapist might think of your body. We have trained for many years, on many different types of bodies and feel comfortable with all shapes and sizes.

If your therapist ever makes you feel uncomfortable about how your body looks, then consider finding a new therapist.

I have an area I don’t like having touched, or I’m afraid to have it treated.

Your therapist should do a detailed health history interview with you when you come in for your first treatment.

At subsequent visits the interview might be shorter but it should still be detailed.

It’s okay if you had an area treated before but you don’t feel comfortable with it now, just let us know.

I was really sore after my last massage, is this normal?

This is not so cut and dry, it really does depend. Ideally you shouldn’t feel too much soreness after your massage, you’re here to feel better after all, not worse!

That being said sometimes after a deep treatment you might feel some delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) like you would after a new/challenging workout.

Remember: it does NOT have to be painful to be gainful. Soreness isn’t an indicator of a good workout, or a good massage, even though you might think that statement is true.

During Your Massage

Answers to common questions and concerns about what you can expect during your massage.

Elevate Bowmanville

Am I expected to talk during the massage?

This one is completely up to you.

Your therapist should check in periodically with you about how the pressure is feeling (be honest!) and ask how a particular area is feeling.

Aside from this, you can feel free to drift off to wherever your mind needs to travel. You are also free to get anything off your chest that you’d like, rest assured we are bound by confidentiality.

Remember that what you want might be different from session to session, please let me know at the beginning of treatment if you need quiet if you’re normally a talker.

I don’t feel comfortable: I’m too hot/cold, I feel too exposed etc.

If there is anything that your therapist can do to make you feel more comfortable please speak up. It is not our massage, we will not be offended. If your therapist makes you feel uncomfortable asking for what you want, you may want to consider changing that relationship.

I don’t like that area or spot being touched, or how it’s being touched.

Are your feet ticklish or do you just not like having them touched? Tell us!

If there is anything that your therapist can do to make you feel more comfortable please speak up.

It is not our massage, we will not be offended. (See a theme here?) If your therapist makes you feel uncomfortable asking for what you want, you may want to consider changing that relationship.

I want more/less pressure.

Please speak up if anything is not to your liking, we want you to have the treatment that you want and paid to receive. 

Please note: it does not have to be painful to be gainful.

If the reason you want deep tissue is because you believe it is more effective but you don’t like having it done, considering letting your therapist know. There might be other strategies that may be equally (if not more) effective at reducing your pain without giving you more pain first.

Krystle’s Tip: I don’t like having (or physically respond well to) deep tissue massages. I experience the most benefit, with the least amount of pain, when I get a light/moderate massage.

I don’t like the music, I don’t like the style of massage being used etc.

During your treatment please speak up and let us know.

That being said, we are all individual and have different styles in music, massage techniques etc.

If your therapist doesn’t use a style you like, try speaking with them first, and if they would prefer not to change considering looking for another therapist.

Our techniques and music is what makes each therapist unique and there is a therapist out there for you!

Oh no, I think I was snoring, my stomach was growling, I have to pass gas!

This is all fine. We are a human, and sometimes our bodies make sounds. It’s okay.

PS. Your stomach growling means your body is in rest and digest (instead of fight, flight, freeze) which is music to our ears. Also gas comes along with digestion so it’s normal, and a byproduct of your relaxation.

PPS. Snoring is your body’s way of giving us a round of applause, no need to apologize!

After Your Massage

Questions that commonly come up after a massage.

Elevate Bowmanville

What should I do after my massage?

Ideally you should go home, drink some extra water, maybe have a hot bath, and just relax. But we are human, and we have obligations that prevent us from being able to achieve this goal.

3 Part Reality checklist is:
1) drink extra water (to hopefully reduce any chances of cramping),
2) avoid heavy/excessive exercise (gentle stretching is okay)
3) try to limit activities/postures that contribute to your pain

I feel a bit dizzy, or lightheaded, is this normal?

Massage temporarily lowers your blood pressure, so when we say “get up off the table slowly”, we mean it! Going from laying down to standing too quickly can make your blood pressure drop even further so take your time.

I still feel some pain

While massage therapists like to think we have magic hands, they aren’t literally magic. Some conditions or injuries can take multiple sessions to reduce symptoms. Also note that there are 168 hours in a week. Even if you received an hour massage every week, there’s still 167 other hours where you can help us to help you. When you are given home care (stretches, exercises etc.) it isn’t because we like to hear ourselves speak, we want you to be the MVP of your health care team.

How can I pay, will I get a receipt, do you do direct billing?

Currently we accept payments in the form of cash, debit, credit and e-transfers.

As Registered Massage Therapists we will be able to provide you with a receipt which you can use towards your benefits plan.

We currently do not offer direct billing, but we may revisit this in the future.

Most companies have online submissions (or even apps) designed for this and typically when submitted this way the funds are deposited directly into your bank account within 1-3 business days.

Should I re-book, how often should I get massage?

We are terrible sales people. We want you to go as long as possible without needing treatment (wanting it is another thing).

For some people that’s every 2 weeks, for others that’s every other month. Consider how much time or money you’re willing to put towards your health via massage therapy over the course of the year.

If you are dealing with an acute injury we tend to want to see you more frequently in the beginning to work with the bodies natural early healing process.

We generally recommend every 3-6 weeks.

Cleaning & Sanitization

Want to know how we keep things spick and span?

Elevate Bowmanville

How often do you change and wash the linens?

After every client! The face cradle cover, the pillowcase cover, the sheet set and top blanket are all changed and washed with every client.

Underneath the linens, all surfaces of the table are vinyl and are cleaned thoroughly.

How do you keep the cups sanitized?

Any massage tool that will be used directly on your skin is first cleaned of oil with soap and water and then sanitized by soaking in a 7.5% Hydrogen Peroxide solution for a minimum of 30 minutes in accordance with the CDC standards.

The drinking glasses you provide, how are they cleaned?


After you are finished with your glass it is brought back to the staff room where we have a dishwasher with a sanitize cycle.

Simple To Use Online Booking

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You can book, change or cancel an appointment.
You can even add yourself to the wait list.